(+230) 460 9312 | 460 1777
  • Doing Business
    in Mauritius
    Company Formation, migration and administration
  • Asset Management
    Preserve and Grow your Assets
  • Corporate Trusteeship
    Maintain and Grow your Wealth
  • Immigration
    Work & Residency Permits

A Vision for your business

The Orama Way

Órama has a vision of how businesses should grow in the 21 st century, and shares the belief that people, entrepreneurs and corporations are the tools the world needs to build true sustainability. We are working to build a free-trade continent that can regain its influence within global markets, and provide its entrepreneurs, companies and investors with the opportunities to thrive and shape a prosperous future. At the core of this vision is Mauritius, Africa’s financial hub and friendliest business destination. By offering you a new, efficient and modern one-stop-shop for management services in Mauritius, Órama helps you build and grow your business so it becomes a new African success story.



Mauritius is Africa’s most competitive and friendliest business destination both for local and international companies and investors. The country ranks in the top 15 globally in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Ranking, and first in Africa. Mauritius is one of the only African jurisdiction that is globally competitive in terms of banking regulations and fiscal regimes, attracting entrepreneurs, investors and high-net worth individuals seeking to make their operations more efficient in Africa and globally.



We are asked many questions about our business everyday, here are some of the most popular

What is a Global Business Company?

A Mauritius Global Business Company (GBC) is a legal tax resident entity registered in Mauritius that is primarily used for conducting international business activities, such as trading, investment, and holding assets, with tax benefits and flexible regulations. GBCs are often used by foreign companies and investors as a platform for expanding their global operations and benefiting from Mauritius’ favourable tax treaties with various countries.

What are the features of a Mauritius Variable Capital Company?

A Mauritius Variable Capital Company (VCC) is a versatile legal structure designed for investment funds, characterized by its flexibility, The VCC can accommodate both a CIS and a CEF under one structure, therefore providing fund managers an additional structuring option with economies of scale and cost efficiencies. Its flexibility offers investors a diverse investment opportunity as the scheme also offers cost advantages by allowing funds to be established with reduced administrative and operational expenses. It also offers tax advantages and a well-defined regulatory framework, making it appealing for fund management and collective investment schemes.

Why invest through Mauritius?

Mauritius offers political stability, a robust and well-developed financial sector, and a strategic gateway to both African and international markets, making it an attractive destination for investors looking to tap into African and global markets. Additionally, the country offers an attractive and favourable tax regime, which includes double taxation avoidance treaties, investor protection policies coupled with its investor friendly environment and ease of doing business makes it a hub for international business and investment.

Can a Trust help my beneficiaries avoid probate?

Yes, a Trust can bypass the probate process and allow your assets to be distributed more quickly and efficiently to your beneficiaries. Probate is the legal process whereby a court validates a Will and then distributes the assets to the beneficiaries. Probate can be a lengthy and expensive process, and it can take months or even years to resolve. When a person sets up a Trust, they can specify how their assets will be distributed after their death. This can help to minimize family disputes and ensure that assets are distributed in accordance with the wishes of the creator of the Trust.

Unlike a will, Trusts offer greater privacy compared to Wills. Wills are public documents that anyone can access, it becomes public record once it’s submitted to a probate court, whereas a Trust remains a private document, a private contract between the trustee and the beneficiaries. This means that the details of the trust, including its assets, beneficiaries, and terms, are not made public but remain confidential, which can be important if you value your privacy. This means that the details of your estate and to whom you are leaving your assets remain private.

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