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Corporate Trusteeship Services

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Corporate Trusteeship Services

In order to maintain and growth your wealth, and offer you the most flexible solutions to manage and distribute your assets, we deploy a unique suite of corporate trusteeship services, from the establishment to the administration of trusts. 

We have successfully established and managed a large range of trusts depending on our client’s ultimate wealth preservation and generation targets.

Our key services include:

  • The establishment and administration of resident and non-resident trusts in Mauritius. 
  • Trust accounting and trust migration. 

“As a reliable partner for any investor operating in and from Mauritius, Orama has been selected by a premium suite of clients to be their independent and prudential supervisor. We have successfully built, managed and protected the wealth of a wide range of clients and have accumulated years of experience and knowledge in the management of trusts,”

Ashiv Parianen
Executive director