Under recent regulations, the Work and Residence Permits will now be combined into one single permit, and the Government of Mauritius will be extending the validity of an Occupation Permit (OP) and a Residence Permit for retired people to 10 years renewable. The minimum investment amount for obtaining an Occupational Permit (OP) will be reduced from USD$100,000 to USD$50,000, and the minimum turnover and investment requirements for Innovator Occupation Permits are being removed altogether. Non-citizens who have a residence permit under the various real estate schemes will no longer require an Occupation or Work Permit to work and invest in Mauritius.
In addition, the Permanent Residence Permit will be extended from 10 to 20 years. Occupation Permit and Residence Permit holders will be eligible to apply for permanent residence if they have held their permit for three consecutive years. The minimum investment amount for an investor to obtain the status of Permanent Resident or for a holder of an immovable property under an existing scheme to obtain the status of Resident will also be reduced from USD$500,000 to USD$375,000.